No imposition, no opposition – VP Naidu amid language row, in Tamil Nadu

While inaugurating a school in Vellore, TN, Naidu harped on importance of knowing other languages besides the mother tongue


With around a month left in office (10 Aug), Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu today said that while mother tongue is important, one must learn as many languages as possible.

While inaugurating a school in Vellore, Tamil Nadu (the hotbed of a strange syndrome of hating languages; read Tamil Nadu next? – MDDTimes), Naidu said that proficiency in other languages helps build cultural bridges and opens windows to new worlds of experience.

He importantly said there should be no imposition of and no opposition to any language.

Naidu also made several key points with the view of improving education in the country. He said, “The best skill schools can impart to students today is that of adaptability”. He urged students to experience the world outside – spend time in the lap of nature, interact with all sections of society, and understand various crafts and trades.

Physical activity is vital, he stated. Classroom learning should be supplemented with field activities, social awareness and community service initiatives. “There is a dire need to inculcate the spirit of service and patriotism in students from a young age,” he stated, while mentioning India’s ancient Gurukul system. “The stress was on character moulding and the correct assessment of the pupil,” he said.

On languages, he said, “Wherever possible, at least until the primary level, we must have the medium of instruction in public and private schools in the mother tongue.” But one must learn as many languages as possible, he added. “Studies have shown that multilingualism can lead to better cognitive development in children,” he said.

There should be no imposition of and no opposition to any language

Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu

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