India High Commission condemns attacks on Hindus in UK

Muslims from all countries have united as one in “Muslims areas” and “safe madarrsas” of Leicester to not allow “Hindu extremism” spread there


A Muslim masked man tears down a Hind temple flag in the presence of UK police

The Indian High Commission in London has finally intervened and condemned the attacks on Hindus in Leicester, which still continues to spread blatantly in the UK.

Tensions between the two communities in Leicester have been rising for quite sometime with attacks mostly starting from the Muslim side – some blame it on rising Islamophobia in India. Last week, however, attacks started increasing and even loud-speakers were used to summon people to attack the Hindus in the UK.

Reportedly, the minority Hindus had taken out a march yesterday, with some chanting “Jai Shri Ram”, a slogan that is close to the heart of every Hindu which praises a God known for his sacrifice and righteousness. Some Muslims also consider Shri Ram as one of their prophets. This led to scuffles in “Muslim areas”, and Modi-haters in India rushed to social media to blame it all on “the Hindutva disease”.

Open call for violence; planned attacks

In a brazen disregard of the country’s law and order, last evening, a large group of Muslims in weird fencing outfits and masks, climbed on the walls of a Hindu temple and desecrated it chanting “Allahu Akbar” which means Allah is the greatest – in the presence of the largely muted local police.

You wouldn’t be mistaken if the videos remind you of the disturbing scenes from The Clockwork Orange. Has the UK really become a country without any law and order?

In a very late intervention, the High Commission published a press release condemning the attacks. It read, “We strongly condemn the violence perpetrated against the Indian Community in Leicester and vandalization of premises and symbols of Hindu religion. We have strongly taken up this matter with the UK authorities and have sought immediate action against those involved in these attacks. We call on the authorities to provide protection to the affected people.” Here are some pictures from the scenes taken from various sources:

Hindu man reportedly living in Leicester for years injured in attacks; some policemen attacked too
Hindu flag burnt openly
High Commission’s statement

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