Did China’s CCP kill Shinzo Abe?

Alleged ex-Chinese government researcher raises questions of a sponsored killing


Ex-Chinese blogger Jennifer Zeng

Following the broad daylight assassination (Shinzo Abe assassinated on the street in Japan – MDDTimes) of former PM of Japan, Shinzo Abe, various disturbing developments point to a sinister plot that may have been hatched by China’s Communist Party (CCP).

A blogger based in the US, Jennifer Zeng (Jennifer’s World (jenniferzengblog.com)) , who claims to have worked at the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in the past, has released several tweets indicating CCP’s likely involvement in Abe’s assassination.

One of her tweets read, “#AbeShinzo died at about 11: 30 local time. At 18: 07 on the previous day, a Chinese language user called “重装小兔19C” said, “Have successfully got close to current and former PM of Japan. I’ll complete the task given by the organization [meaning: the party, the #CCP].”

Another tweet said, “Another user called “泼墨” said “I am counting on you to get another 100,000” at 20:19 on the previous day.

Then “重装小兔19C_” said: “I will not let down the organization [the party, the CCP]’s training on me at 20:24 on July 7.”

Jennifer also released an old video in which a CCP member is seen saying that Abe’s words on Taiwan could end in a blood bath.

She then asked, “This is very disturbing. I hope the government of #Japan @japan can investigate into these two users. Who are they? What tasks were they given? Were the tasks related to @AbeShinzo #ShinzoAbe’s murder? @CIA”.

We have not confirmed the account nor could contact Jennifer so far, but what supports these claims is China’s response to Abe’s death. While the official spokesperson called it shocking, the country’s state newspaper published an article that blamed the “right-wing” forces of Japan for the attack. There are several social media posts from China celebrating Abe’s death.

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