The real swines of Tamil Nadu
The blind hatred in Chennai towards non-tamilians and Hindus has made Tamil Nadu a filthy place. Who will clean the swines? We are not even talking about blasphemy here!

Hatred, violence, crime, racism and separatism are the real pigs in Tamil Nadu
There is a hidden Tamil Nadu – that of immense hate and racism, of crime and incompetence, of violence and discrimination – hidden by politicians who have caged the people much like in Kashmir in the build-up to the 1990s, and project TN as a safe and devout place.
The common fuel for the hatred is falsehood repeated for decades by separatists like Periyar (Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy; a Kannadiga born in Erode in 1879): discrimination from “India” (people from every state other than Tamil Nadu are “bloody northies”, separate culture (Tamil is the oldest language, Aryan invasion theory), history, etc. People familiar with Kashmiris would realise that one of the points popularised by separatists was that the Kashmiris liked rice (and not roti) and so they were different!
The hatred is carefully concealed by the people (the “dravidians” who play victim outside TN for sympathy) and the government. Successive governments have not provided any data about crime to organisations like the NCRB, etc. The media is heavily controlled by the politicians and the “Tamil Pride” toxin prevents the masses to read or watch non-Tamil news.
HRs of top companies like CRISIL Limited, S&P Global, Hyundai, Cognizant, etc, do not warn innocent employees about the hatred, violence and discrimination that all must face in Chennai just because they are non-Tamilians. Once in office (after relocation, etc), counterparts continuously hound the “bloody northies” for snatching their jobs and “working too hard”, with complete support of managers, etc. Discrimination in promotions, awards, shift allowance, overtime pay, etc, is rampant and blatant. One can go on and on…
The picture above will greet you once you have landed in Chennai (some get it as a pamphlet tugged at the door). Most Tamilians defend this, citing the hatred towards Brahmins (who are held responsible for untouchability and other social ills centuries ago, though they were not the ruling class, and though most brahmins lived in abject poverty).
Most Tambams, a description commonly used in TN to ridicule brahmins, are caught between the devil and the deep sea. On one hand, they are programmed to hate the rest of India and live in fear of the imaginary reaction (imaginary because most “bloody northies” do not know about the hate in TN), while on the other, they cannot live in TN. Going to the US and settling there is their ultimate and desperate dream.
However, the truth is that decades of hatred has blinded the Tamilians (much like Kashmiris), and the thread ceremony of pig denotes the hatred for Hindus in general (Periyar was particularly against Hindus and brahmins, and not against other religions though he claimed to be an atheist) and brahmins in particular. That is mainly because brahmins are a minority and a very easy and soft target.
Thus, you see people attacking brahmins in broad daylight in Chennai with their sacred threads cut off or snatched on the road and near temples frequently. Police are as usual the puppet of the political parties, which are together in this sick mindset in fear of emergence of new national political parties.
But soon the hatred will engulf more people in TN. There are attempts to even carve out a different Hindu religion – exclusively for Tamilians, with separate gods and food habits, and minus the brahmins. That is how ridiculous things are in Tamil Nadu if not for the seriousness of the problem there. Further, hatred doesn’t seem to have peaked, and it remains to be seen what happens once it does.
The above picture (which is common in Chennai and in city wall graffiti too) was tweeted by a Dravidian in response to a tweet by MDDTimes about the deteriorating law and order in Chennai.