Ayurveda: New Vamana Kriya machine gets patent

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Ayurtech Incubation Centre of KLE Ayurworld and KLE Engineering college at Belagavi, Karnataka, develop a machine that could ease Ayurveda treatment


Source - GoI

Dr. B. Sreenivasa Prasad, President, Board of Ayurveda, National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) and his team have received a patent for the development of advanced automated system or instrument for Vamana Kriya (therapeutic emesis) in India. 

Vamana Kriya is a challenging therapy under the Panchakarma (five ways) treatment in Ayurveda, an increasingly popular form of treatment in India and other countries. The youth are drawn to this system of medicine but often find some procedures tough. Vamana Kriya, which is usually used to clean the digestive system, involves drinking water and purging, and sometimes use of a long cotton cloth that has to be swallowed partially by the patient.

The inventors of the new Vamana Kriya claim, their machine will make this therapy simple and convenient.

“This technology is equipped with monitors for monitoring of vital data of patients during the procedure. There is provision for handling the vomitus hygienically and as per biomedical waste management policy. It is also provided with emergency kit that is required to manage complications of the procedure. Clinical parameters that are required to assess the procedure are also automated,” said a government statement.

The government also said it is considering commercialisation for use in Ayurveda colleges and hospitals across the country.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Ayurtech Incubation Centre of KLE Ayurworld and KLE Engineering college at Belagavi, Karnataka, were part of the development of the machine.

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