Sunsign predictions for today

What cards indicate! Take what resonates; let others fly


What cards indicate! Take what resonates; let others fly

Here are the predictions for your sunsign today, 23 June 2022.

(Born 21 Mar-19 Apr) Watch your health, take care of what you eat and get your daily yoga. Despite the uncertainties, there are reasons to be happy. Money is a concern; you need to work hard. Spirit says there is a tiny good news blooming; water it carefully.

(20 Apr-20 May) Work hard on your health, it needs your attention. Visit a doctor if required. Similarly, you have to work on building mental peace – lower your expectations. Career needs you to be sincere today. Spirit is there to support you today.

(21 May-20 Jun) Remember health is wealth. Pay attention and avoid self-medication. You are troubled by certain negative energies around you. Use your intelligence to find a solution. Money front is brightening. Spirit is with you, especially in finding contentment.

(21 Jun-22 Jul) Physically, you are on the right path, but you need more peace of mind. Career matters need attention. Spirit is on your side due to your charming ways.

(23 Jul-22 Aug) All is well. Do not worry. Health could improve today, so could your money. Ancestors are protecting you; keep them happy by doing what is right.

(23 Aug-22 Sep) Health is set to improve significantly today. Be mindful of what you eat. You will find happiness no matter what, career will help you get a leadership role today. Don’t get swayed by petty fights, says spirit.

(23 Sep-22 Oct) Mixed day today. Health and money matters will do well, but only you could help find peace. A senior spirit is worried about jealousies around you.

(23 Oct-21 Nov) Health needs a close watch though you are happy with the progress. You need to work hard on the career front. A motherly spirit is with you today.

(22 Nov-21 Dec) All things bright, but still room for improvement. Expect a leadrship role in your job. Money sector is bright. Go all guns blazing today.

(22 Dec-19 Jan) Spirit says take care of your health, start your yoga to boost it. Mental peace will help you perform better, which is required today.

(20 Jan-18 Feb) All seems to be fine, but you are still troubled by something. A fighting spirit is with you that will help you surmount troubles, if you let it to be. Money matters are strong and undisputable.

(19 Feb-20 Mar) Health will shine today if you follow the correct routine. You are not letting mental peace to be disturbed and will reap the good feelings that follow. You are peaking in money maters but spirit says you have to work hard on all fronts.

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